Is it Possible that Any Kids Born in the Future Could be Named After Someone in the Gang? I Think it is, if Only Slightly.
As we all know, the gang are a very tight group of friends - they refer to themselves as family (Lily and Marshall even chose the rest of the gang to be Marvin Waitforit's godparents [S8X03]). They have had their little troubles and disagreements, but their BFF bond always brought them back together. So I thought, "Is it at all possible that any future kids will be named after one of these friends?" It doesn't have to be for a first name: it could be a middle name even. So here are the scenarios I rate from most likely to least likely.
If Marshall and Lily have another son, they name him after Ted
I think this scenario is the most likely: Ted is their oldest friend (since university) and probably their closest. Marshall is Ted's best friend (and vise versa) and Ted is probably Lily's best male friend. Ted has nearly always been there with them as support (even if he does go over-the-top) and in the very first episode of HIMYM Ted had referred to them as "mom and dad". I think if there was an issue it would be that the couple already have a son named after Marshall's dad; they might want to be more original next time round. However, the middle name slot could be free.
Ted's son is named after Marshall
Yes, I haven't forgotten that Ted had wanted to name his two kids Luke and Leia (S1X21) but remember when the gang thought Hurricane was a good contender for Marshall and Lily's son? Plus, Luke and Leia could always be middle names, or they could be first names and any other names can take the middle slots. I think if Ted ever named one of his kids after someone it would be his best friend Marshall.
Ted's daughter is named after Robin
OK, here's where problems appear in this list. Ted and Robin are very close friends, no doubt about it, but would the Mother be okay with it? After all, for the Mother to be the Mother she has to be aware that Ted and Robin did date and are very close, and be okay with it. Would naming their daughter after the woman Ted loved for years be stretching it a bit? Yes, but if the Mother can accept Robin as a friend, I think this scenario will stay alive by that much.
If Marshall and Lily have a daughter, they name her after Robin
It's possible: Lily and Robin are best female friends for sure. But is Robin close enough to them?
Ted's son is named after Barney
Barney is a close friend to Ted, but if Ted had to pick between him and Marshall, we know who would win.
Ted's daughter is named after Lily
I think if Ted named his daughter after either Robin or Lily, Robin would be the most likely. The Lily scenario is possible, but if the Ted's-Son-Marshall scenario is more plausible (in my opinion), I don't think it's likely that Ted's daughter and son will be named after both Lily and Marshall (although it is possible, I'm not ruling anything out).
If Marshall and Lily have another son, they name him after Barney
Close friend, yes. Closer friend than Ted? No. Besides, they let Barney choose the middle name for their son Marvin (the coolest middle name of all time!!!) and I think that counts as Barney's turn.
Well, there you go. Of course it is entirely possible that no one names their kid after anybody else; original names would be nice. But if the end of HIMYM comes and it turns out any of these scenarios, especially my top predictions, come true, expect this from me.
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