Tuesday 1 April 2014


This is "How You Tick Off Your Fanbase"


My love for this show has been crushed. I'm truly heart-broken. I'm not going to lie, I cried to the point where I'm just craziness. Since then, I've calmed down quite a bit. But on the inside, I am crushed.

"Everything went wrong". That's all I could blabber on about after the final episode of How I Met Your Mother came to an end. "Everything I loved and supported in this show went wrong". Today is April Fools, so I almost considered this to be a massive joke (before I remembered that I live in the future according to America).

From the start, I have never been a Ted/Robin fan. I never saw them as the perfect match. Or even a really great match. All of my love had been dedicated to Barney/Robin - whom we have spent this entire season fawning over. My heart had been touched again and again with their fantastic quotes and gestures of true love over the seasons. But now.... 

But now...

I'll quote the poet W.B. Yeats to describe what has happened today: 

"I have looked upon those brilliant creatures,
 And now my heart is sore.
 All's changed since I, hearing at twilight,
 The first time on this shore"

As the minutes, then seconds, ticked by I waited for the reunion. I never got it. I remember when I had watched "The Final Page Part 2" - I had cried with sheer joy and happiness. Today I cried for a unrequited love and received a blow to my faith instead.

Normally with TV shows I just accept what's been hand-fed to me. But this is How I Met Your Mother. And I doubt I will ever accept the decision Bays and Thomas made with Barney/Robin. In my mind, they are still one - enduring the tough times and chaos - having a good laugh and a game of laser tag. With Barney never able to have a good day without talking to her. With Robin never being alone

As for the Mother (or Tracy).... she deserved better than that. End of story.

Marshal and Lily seem to be the only ones having been spared of a undeserving fate. But nothing about them made me light up for their happiness. I feel neutral about their fate.

Before I go, I will make note of Barney's daughter. At first, I didn't like it too much. But then I warmed up to it (plus I like the name Ellie - quite cute). It was just too under-developed. And it should have happened in different circumstances. 

But overall, I wish I could turn back the clock and live the dreams of ignorance again. 
After all, it's the journey that counts. 

Monday 28 October 2013

'Knight Vision'

Don't Trust Ted with Choices, Don't Trust Barney/Robin with Stories, and Don't Trust Marshal to Safely Deliver News to Lily

Is there a reason why I can't stop staring...?

Saturday 19 October 2013

'The Poker Game'

Ted, Lily and Marshal Get Swarmed in a Cloud of Confusion, and Poker Gets Serious
Look out Macchio, Ted's got his pokerface on

Tuesday 8 October 2013

'The Broken Code'

Ted and Barney Try to Solve Issues with Marshal's Help, and Robin Has No Friends
The Bro Code: now thankfully replacing 50 Shades of Grey everywhere

Tuesday 1 October 2013

'Last Time in New York'

Ted Prepares to Break it Off with NYC, Barney and Robin Navigate an Elderly-Apocalypse, and Marshal's Inner Viking is Hindered by Cheese
"Hey bro. Need a ride in this sweet air conditioned cab?"

Tuesday 24 September 2013

'The Locket' and 'Coming Back'

A LONG Weekend Kickstarts Marshal's Rivalry for a Single-Only Trip to NYC,  Barney and Robin's Relationship is Tested, and Ted Can Only Wait for the One...