Ted Slowly Realises He's Being Stalked and We See the Decline of Robin Sparkles
You won't see much of this cute, sweet and innocent Robin. |
OK, I'll try to make this recap short - I have a pile of homework beside me begging to have my attention.
So Ted meets another cute girl: he finds her reading the same book he was reading, and the girl, Jeanette, is able to track him down at his university. How? By over-analysing Ted's appearance to be a professor, and setting a fire in the university to get Ted to run into her. It already sounds bad, I know. But Ted still believes it's a cute gesture: a "Dopler" and not creepy as hell ("Damher"). It then gets super bad: it turns out she's been stalking him ever since Ted's face had appeared in New York magazine. That was about............... a year and a half ago. Ouch. That was why she had the same book on the train: she brought it 10 minutes after Ted did. Ted's reaction? Before you could even say, "Oh, Ted" he was into her mouth. I'm thinking the fact he's the only one not in a serious relationship is messing him up big time. At least Future Ted knows better, and from the looks of this quote below, it seems Jeanette may be the last ever woman Ted dates before the Mother.
Ted: "Before a man meets the woman he'll marry, he'll make one final, horrible mistake. That was Jeanette."Robin reveals she was once a stalker as well in the time she was known as Robin Sparkles. Upon hearing this, Barney is incredibly jealous despite it occurring 17 years ago. He is so determined to find out who Robin's crush was that he flies over to Canada and interviews Robin's past boyfriends. Cue the Canada jokes! Seeing Barney accidentally slip into a Canadian accent and saying Canadian things is hilarious (you might not want to spend too much time in Canada, Barney!). It is revealed that another of Robin's songs exists - and of course Barney flies out the door. The gang discover a documentary called 'Underneath the Tunes' featuring Robin Sparkles... and her fall from grace. It turns out her obsession with her crush went so far as to be the theme of her song 'P.S. I Love You' (say that title in a creepy whisper and you'll get the tone) and it even changed her Robin Sparkles persona to Robin Daggers. This change once and for all put the once famous popstar to shame.
Barney continues to try to pinpoint the crush and his final guess ends in a fight with Alan Thicke. Although Thicke was able to smash Barney pretty badly, he was not the crush. It was actually Paul Shaffer (hence the 'P.S.' *facepalm*).
As for Lily and Marshall, they didn't really have a storyline - just a part of Ted's - but the flashbacks to their university time made up for it. If the theme of stalking wasn't made clear yet, Lily revealed she didn't meet Marshall by chance: she had deliberately broken her sound speakers and purposely knocked on every door until she got the right one. So a bit of obsession is okay... just not a lot of it.
Did I love the new Robin
Here's an extended version of the song (I originally posted the actual music video that appeared on the episode from YouTube but it was claimed copyright by Fox).
Here's one of my favourite quotes from the episode.
(while enthusiastically seeing the documentary of Robin's fall into shame)Check out the promo for now.
Lily: "I am so happy right now. "
Marshall: "I want to see her throw her life away so badly."
Ted: "We're all terrible people. Turn it up."
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