Tuesday, 14 May 2013

'Something New' (newcomers, don't start here!)

Marshall Takes Baby Marvin to Minnesota, Ted Whines About How He is Moving to Chicago to be Away from Robin, Barney and Robin Do Their Awesome Duo Thing. Am I Forgetting Something? Ah, Yeah...


Doing a short post today because I need some time to let the situation sink in: the fact that HIMYM is over for this season, and that I have witnessed the face of THE Mother!
First, I'm going to talk about Marshall's big decision. He finally gets the news that he can become a judge, but he can't take the job if he's moving to Rome for a year. So Rome or Judge? Marshall hasn't told Lily yet, but without a doubt it will come out by, I'm guessing, the first episode of Season 9 (perhaps at the wedding?).
What do I think? I admit its a very hard choice to make: each outcome has advantages and disadvantages. Rome will give something for Lily and Marshall to do in the four month break, but being a Judge would be better for Marshall in the long term (and especially since we've waited a long time for the answer), and the whole "Cootes and Marshall will save the world". My prediction?Eh....Ro.......Ju.......Rodge.....Jume...er.....wfbgfugwfwnf.....Rom- JUDGE! There, I've said it. No, Rome! No, JUDGE!! Gaaahhhh!!
As for Ted, he. Will. Not. Stop. Pinning. For. Robin.... Again. So much that he's going to move to Chicago just because of it. Nothing much else to say except he finds out he had had Robin's lost locket for the last five years in a pencil box (a drunk Robin put it there after Lily managed to persuade her not to shove it up her butt. Don't ask.). Ted's planning to give it to Robin as his wedding present, after Lily warns him to "be careful".
Yes Ted.
Be careful.
Pretty please with sugar on top, Ted.
Barney and Robin spent their night trying to break up the MOST ANNOYING, OBNOXIOUS  COUPLE ON THE PLANET! Even the sight of cigars kept in a plastic bag disgusts these people out. After all the fantastic evil laughs, Robin finally manages to pull off a Ted-That-Ted-Didn't-Actually-Do: sneaking her engagement ring into the woman's champagne (Barney had observed that the man didn't look too serious about his girlfriend). But in the end, the couple actually end up engaged, and Barney and Robin discover it felt good that they had caused it. Aw!
I wished for them as the awesome duo and I'm glad I got it again tonight. I just love them even more now! :D
The episode ends with everyone going off for Farhampton. Marshall, Lily, Barney and Robin all had their happy faces on while Ted had a bit of a pokerface going on.
During this, we see someone's legs walking through the train station and I thought, "Oh course, the same old leg-shot for the Mother".
It happened.
Something so unexpected it made my jaw literally drop.
Her face.

She kinda has Lily's face with Robin's hair, don't you think?
Now all we need to know is her name!

If the Mother didn't appear in today's episode, it would have probably been a bit of letdown as a season finale. You telling me I have to wait until September to see Barney and Robin get married? Grr...

Well that's it for season 8! Will I write any posts in the break? I will when I have the time, since I've got a couple of posts I want to do.

Here is the last promo of season 8.


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