Tuesday 24 September 2013

'The Locket' and 'Coming Back'

A LONG Weekend Kickstarts Marshal's Rivalry for a Single-Only Trip to NYC,  Barney and Robin's Relationship is Tested, and Ted Can Only Wait for the One...

Can I say for the record that I really love HIMYM? (if you don't happen to know yet) Especially after exams? Especially as I'm about to enter the toughest year of my schooling career? Well, yes. I love HIMYM very much at this time of the year.
Season 9 has begun, and I'm a little sad that this was the final premiere episode of HIMYM anyone is ever going to see again. Think about it. But, as I have explained above, I'm quite happy to just get on with it.
We got treated with two episodes today. Let me first express my thoughts on "The Locket"
(NOTE: Unlike my posts on the last season, I will not be recounting the plot of each episode. It's just becoming too tedious.)
I loved that one of the gang got to meet the Mother so early. It's such a treat that we got to actually see the Mother interact with the characters - which begins to define her own character. So far, she is very kind, hug-friendly and sort of reminds me of some of Ted's aspects to his character. The Mother's responses to Lily's dissing on Ted straight away reminded me of the episode "Girls vs. Suits" (Season 5) where Ted also lied in the same fashion about his opinion on the Mother as Cindy described her. Its a great mirror.
Furthermore, the Mother's friendliness reminded me even more strongly of my own friends. I see a couple or more of my buddies totally relating to her (the treats, the hugging, etc.). This is definiately a good sign for the Mother's future as a character. However, I was a bit surprised when Lily arrived at the Farhampton Inn alone with the Mother neither seen or heard of again. Just had me wondering where the hell she disappeared to. I guess that shows how likable she is.
It was funny how Barney and Robin feared there was a chance they might be distinctly related. Ever since it was announced that Barney was one quarter Canadian, I had always wondered if the show would ever introduce some sort of Canadia-esque relationship between Barney and Robin. However, the outcome was very predictable of course. Because we need these two crazy people married no matter what!
The first episode, and I already got very annoyed with Ted. I felt like yelling at him at times. I just facepalmed every time the show presented Ted's fondness of the locket. I just hope that business isn't brought up too often.
I don't have much to say on Marshal's plot. I loved how Marvin's random hand movement finally removed the photo, though. Another "aww" moment for baby Marvin. Guess that kid's already got technology figured out. Give him a few days and he'll be a pro on the iPhone. 
In the second episode, I started facepalming from Ted to Marshal. Seriously Marshal? That lady's proved she's untrustworthy about a million times (okay, not a million - more like two) yet you give her you're only ride home, just hoping she'll come back for you? I found it a bit hard to believe after all of that, she came back. It's heartwarming, but a bit random. What changed her mind?
I didn't mind the Barney/Robin plot, but I am getting sick of how the characters think the relationship is "fragile". Barney's gift to James and his now-ex, although strange, was very sweet. I need to get that "Love is Awesome" banner.
Ted is left with nothing much to do, sadly. All he can do is cop the sympathy of Curtis at the check-in. I loved the flashfoward of him and Mother together at the end. Please show, give me more of that!
Plus, I hope the Mother's name is revealed soon. Getting a bit tedious writing "the Mother" all the time, don't you think?
Highlight: the Mother in general.
Favourite Quote:  
Barney:This wedding is gonna be legendary!
Robin:No "wait for it"?
Barney:I've got you. I don't have to wait anymore.

Check out a promo featuring the Mother.

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